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Imagine if you were given the opportunity to jump into the world of Batman, who's just about to get started on his quest for justice. What would you do? Would you help him solve crimes in Gotham City? Would you team up with Robin and Catwoman to stop Two-Face from becoming a menace again? Or maybe that last one is asking too much. But regardless of your decision, what's important is how your experiences would be different than someone who was born at the same time as Batman. This new series will immerse anyone in the early days of this famous superhero, which means there are some extraordinary benefits waiting for those who enjoy it. For instance, let's take a look at the basic plot concerning the Gotham Family. There are villains like Two-Face, who start out as criminals but eventually become heroes. If you were growing up with Batman's family, your perspective might be vastly different than what you see in today's media. You'd have a hard time comprehending why Bruce Wayne would be so hesitant to help Catwoman as she walked out of jail or why Robin would be so eager to work with Two-Face despite his criminal tendencies. And if any of those characters were your friends, you probably wouldn't see anything wrong with making some tweaks to their personalities and histories just to make them more palatable for a new generation. And as a special bonus, as you grow up with Batman's family, you'd have an inside track on unusual romances that you might not expect. For instance, what would your reaction be if your friend Bruce Wayne suddenly started dating Catwoman? Or if Alfred's unhappy marriage suddenly changed and he fell in love with a woman he met during his travels? Hopefully, these questions would never pop into your head, but it's good to think about them anyway. Let's also think about how Batman would benefit from having grown up with his own family. He'd have a good idea of how to turn villains into heroes. And since he's been developing his action skills since childhood, he would've had plenty of opportunities to hone them in real-life situations with his friends. The same argument can be made for Robin and Catwoman. It's safe to say that Batman would be in excellent shape when it comes to fighting crime. And if you compare him with other heroes in his age range, you'd find that there are very few that could match up against him when it comes to martial arts or hand-to-hand combat. But no matter how much better Batman might be than the competition, he wouldn't be able to coast through life on his past experiences alone. He'd still have to deal with the tragedies of real life. And while you can't prepare for every tragedy, thankfully there are some good coping strategies out there. For instance, let's say that your friend Bruce Wayne's father was murdered in front of him and his family when he was young. The pain he might feel after experiencing something like that would be unbearable and insanely traumatic to anyone who doesn't know how to handle it correctly. But luckily for Bruce, he has Alfred and his mother to help him deal with that pain. cfa1e77820